Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Battle at Frank's Cove (Part 1)

The battlefield is set, the pirates are defending on the right.

Fiona, in the thick of things, rallying her troops.
The pirates of Frank’s Cove have finally cause enough trouble to demand action.  An allied taskforce of Khadorans with some troll guns for hire in tow have come to put an end to the privateers.  Unfortunately for everyone, a small Cryxian band decided it was time for the pirates to die as well.
Crow looking for a better place to hide.
Fiona the Black organized the beach defenses.  Thankfully Crow and his cutthroats as well as a Mule and a talon were available boost her small sea dog band.  Thamar’s blessing was not on her this day though, the Khadorans were lead by Karachev commanding a fearless unit of Winter Guard and a heavy jack, in command of the Trolls was Grimm Angus with his trusty Impaler Throgh’h, Pire Troll and Axer as well as a unit of pig bushwackers.  The Cryxian advance included a unit of Satix raiders with their witch, a horde of Mechanithralls with a brute, and a couple of bone jacks.  Venethrax lead his devlish horde ashore.
Arghhh, Cryixians coming

Karachev's amphibious group.
The pirates did not hold much hope that reinforcements would arrive in time, but they held as best as they could.  Crow’s took position behind some walls (figures) on Fiona’s left, the pirate rabble took cover in the ancient ruins to the right and Fiona took the centre with her jacks.  On the beach, Cryx took the far right, the Trolls were dupped into taking the centre and Karachev’s forces deployed on the far left.
Good mule, good mule.
Troll Axer about to bite it .
The battle started well for the pirate defenders.  The mule managed to kill the Mechanithrall’s Brute as well as a few Satix raiders, Crow’s cutthroats finished all but two of the witches, which promptly failed their morale test, and failed to rally for two more turns.  After finishing the witches, Crow watched as the Troll Axer closed with the mule (but not close enough), he instructed his men to fill it with poisoned arrows.  And fill it they did.  The Axer died to three well placed arrows (excellent dice rolling).  In return, the Mule was scratched by the pig bushwackers and a pirate died to a well placed blunderbuss shoot.
Things changed once the forces got into melee.  The pirates charged the Winter guard unit, but only managed to kill a couple of the Khadoran pigs.  In return, all but one of the pirates was massacred. 
Bushwackers picking off the Mule bit by bit.
The Mule had one last hurrah! Before its demise, it fired at Venethrax and managed a critical.  This sent him flying on top of his troops, this killed a couple of more mechanithrals and most importantly another of the annoying stichthralls.  It was then shot by the Trolls and charged by Mechanithralls and a bonejack.  The Mule died a heroic death.
Fiona looking mightily alone.
 By now Fiona was all alone, but she didn’t give up, in a last act of vengeance she used all her magic might to finish off Throgh’h (the Troll Impaler), which had rashly advanced into range.  The died to either:  a charge by Karachev, shot to pieces by Grimm Angus, chopped to pieces by Venethrax, we don’t know.  Her body was not found after the battle but all three officers claimed the honor of killing her.
Death by mechanithralls or .....
Death by Karachev?
It don't matter, death came swiftly.

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